Supporting Blokes Group via Zoom – 5 October *BOOKINGS CLOSED*

  •  05/10/2022
     6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Join us via Zoom!  This month we are joined by Hypnotherapist Mathias Otte.  Hypnotherapy can assist with anxiety, self-confidence, fears and phobias as well as stress management and relaxation.

Mathias is a Melbourne-based clinical hypnotherapist and coach. He is double-certified via the Australian Academy of Hypnosis and the UK Hypnosis Academy and a certified executive coach (IECL).  Mathias has a Master’s Degree in Adult Education/Educational Science and Economics and is passionate about helping people thrive in their jobs and lives through learning, coaching or a hypnotherapy experience.

To join a Supporting Blokes meeting, please register your details below or call The Living Centre on 03 9820 2888. We will contact you shortly.

If you are new to Think Pink, you will need to fill out a Supporting Blokes Registration Form before your booking can be confirmed.




This program will take place via the online conferencing platform, Zoom.

Think Pink Foundation