•  30/04/2020
     10:00 am - 3:00 pm

Online Class via Zoom!
Art Therapy One on One

Come and join Sandy on Zoom.

Sandy’s Art Therapy sessions are free and will be logged as the necessary practicum hours for the completion of her Masters in Therapeutic Arts study.

These sessions are offered in a supportive, non-judgemental, safe and confidential environment.

Talk about how things are for you right now.
Find some pleasure in relaxation.
Feel better in yourself and gain control over current feelings.
Bring along an object of your choosing

Please bring some loose A4 paper or a journal/book along with a few coloured pens, pencils or textas to the session.

Sessions will be available between 10am and 3pm each Thursday.

Please register your interest to arrange an appointment or call The Living Centre 03 9820 2888.

Please note: As there are limited spaces available, if we are unable to book you in for this session, we will contact you to arrange an alternative date and time.





This program will take place via the online conferencing platform, Zoom.