1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Group Art Therapy with Jennie Bendistinto.
Through relaxation, art and meditation, you can explore issues and ways to cope and re-discover what makes your life enjoyable and meaningful for you. This group art therapy focuses on and nurtures the whole self and inspires ways to relax and create balance in your day.
Art Therapist Jennie Bendistinto facilitates this group art therapy. Jennie has integrated her qualifications and experience of art, communication and art therapy to create a space, which uses art and the senses as a way to steer through a learning experience.
Please register your interest to arrange an appointment or call The Living Centre 03 9820 2888.
Please note: As we are operating this class remotely via Zoom, participants will need a small amount of basic art supplies which can also be used for future classes and can be purchased online via Zart (and other art suppliers).
If you are new to Think Pink, you will need to fill out a Client Registration Form before your booking can be confirmed.
Please log in to register for this event. If you are new to Think Pink, you will need to fill out a Client Registration Form and your account details will be emailed to you once approved.
Venue: Zoom
This program will take place via the online conferencing platform, Zoom.