How you can help

The breast cancer journey is a difficult one for anyone to experience. At Think Pink we help breast cancer patients and their families in practical ways, but we couldn’t do that sustainably without the support of many selfless individuals and organisations. As a not-for-profit, volunteer-based charity, we receive no ongoing government funding.

Our beloved Founder, Irene (in white), surrounded by wonderful supporters at one of our past fundraisers.

We rely on the generosity of people such as you to ensure that we can continue to operate The Living Centre and provide vital support to breast cancer patients.

At The Think Pink Foundation, we make certain that every dollar you donate is spent efficiently and effectively. This ensures that the maximum possible percentage of every donation goes directly to where it is needed most.

We encourage you to share our mission to enable a better journey through breast cancer. If you feel you can help in any ways detailed below, please contact The Think Pink Foundation on (03) 9820 2888 to discuss how you can make a difference for people living with breast cancer. Your kindness and generosity will profoundly and directly benefit women and men with breast cancer.

How can you help?

We rely on financial and volunteer support to help us make a difference to the lives of women and men diagnosed with breast cancer.

    Choose a way you can support us and we will contact you to discuss.